Wherein I See the Value in Difficulties (But Only While I Write the Post)

 Two of the truest things about me:

1. I will complain to anyone, and to no end, about the frustrations and inconveniences of parenting.

2. I will tell anyone who wants to know that having kids is the best thing Tyler and I have ever done.

I love them. So completely, so terribly. Every difficult thing they go through hurts me five times more than it hurt when I went through it myself.

Look how automatically I went there! Parenting is so hard!

But here's the point I'm making. I have shaken my fist so many times at Heavenly Father, telling Him that he conned us. He didn't tell us how grueling and confusing life was going to be. Well, He did tell us. But telling us was never going to give us a real sense of what it was like. Experience, only experience, could show us all the things we were meant to know.

And it occurred to me recently that those conversations with my heavenly parents were just like me talking about parenting to someone without kids. "It's awful! You should totally do it!"

So I tell myself that about life. It's awful! I should totally do it!

I like me now so much better than at 14, at 20, at 30. I hate to say it, *cough cough*, but I'm grateful for the way my difficult experiences have shaped me into someone better.

NO, I am NOT asking for more difficult experiences. Just want to make that clear.
