Ah, the taxing life of a 5 week old.

There are walks to take (the nerve of mom, trying to keep me awake a little longer)...

...bouncers in which to rapidly move my hands...

...naps to take with my dad...

...and naps to take during a stretch.

Tough life!


  1. So cute! She is brave to take naps with dad. I bet he takes all the room! But they both look pleasant and peaceful. Life's tough for a 5 week old girl in the Stillman house.

  2. Life is tough for the mother of a 5week old, hang in there Deb!

  3. Good girl, Claire. Is she sleeping better for you at night, yet, Debra?

  4. She looks like perfection! And just so you know, when Lucy was a newborn I didn't think I was going to make it another second. But, then she started sleeping through night and I knew that all was right in the world!

  5. You look AWEsome Deb! You are every new mother's envy! Lahvoo... Can I take a moment to giggle that the first two letters in the word verification are fu? he he he
    NO! F U, word verification!


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