I Am Not a Grown-up Yet

I got into such a fight with my daughter tonight. With an eleven year old. I am not eleven. I'm 45.

When I was Claire's age 45 year olds were wise, sage wrinkly people who had discovered all the answers. I would have been devastated to realize how much there was still to learn.

I'm not wise! I'm not sage! I do have wrinkles. That is true. But while I have a checking account and drive a car and have given birth four times I AM STILL A CHILD IN SO MANY WAYS.

Isn't she to die for?

She's little, but she's diabolically smart -  like a seasoned interrogator who plays professional ping pong. 

I may learn too late how to be the perfect mother to her, but still. I am her mother. So in the words of Scarlett O'Hara - tomorrow is, thankfully, another day.
