No-Bid-Fine-Spleen Activities

Activities during the era of that-which-I-refuse-to-name:

Well, obviously there's the school thing. The picture immediately below is how things look when I do people's hair and wipe off the table. It is, of course, the exception. Homeschooling has slowly but surely deteriorated over time. If I had thought to take pictures I would have provided you a before and after.

But can they eat CEREAL while learning at school?

 Packet exchanges. For the first part of everything it was kind of fun. Then it wasn't.

Piano festival in the home of their teacher. I still made them dress up.

Church at home. Tyler made them prepare talks and do musical numbers, which was surprisingly touching and awesome. A-plus parenting, hon!

To me, this expression says "don't you EVEN."
Puzzles. I have realized I have a short puzzle attention span. This one took one million hours but it was such a good one and made me feel like a great appreciator of the arts.

Don't be fooled Caroline's presence in the picture, she did NOTHING.

Hiking and exploring.

Aforementioned Kolob Canyon.

Thunderbird Garden trailhead, where we ran along the hilltops "like Sonic."
Red Cliffs.
First time we got this far (out of three times). Ridiculously beautiful.

The petroglyphs at Parowan Gap. 

Red Hollow. Oh, how they hated it.

 Playing with work-from-home Dad.
This is basketball but they also played Ninja-Dad, which I will write about another time.

Not wearing make-up. Staying in pajamas all day.

Snuggling and movie-watching. Currently finishing the third Indiana Jones (will not bother with the fourth).

Walking. This was one in the rain which was kind of awesome. As for me, I have walked and walked and walked. Not like the pioneer children, but more like the mom that really needs to get out of the house alone.

And this. A remodel and shifting around of little people. Girls will get their own rooms (they got to pick their paint color), boys will share a great big, super cool room.

People actually stood on that board and did stuff while I stared in horror.

I write as drywall dust settles on me and everything we own.

That's it, people! I think in total, these activities add up to about seven hours of the last two years of social distancing.
