Well hello there.

I'm starting a blog so I can keep everyone posted on the development of a certain little one in my uterus.

This is the little one at 12 weeks. What you can't see from looking at the picture is how much that baby moves! Seriously, there were flips, kicks and all kinds of other things. It was really exciting. I kept telling the doctor, "shut up. Shut up." He may have been pretty offended, or at the very least annoyed.

I am now at 13 1/2 weeks and desperate for the never-ending nausea to end. I honestly think no expectant mother in the universe has ever complained as much as me. I don't care, though! I hate it!

But I did love seeing that wiggly baby. We'll find out the gender at 20 weeks and I will be shouting it from the rooftops at that time.


  1. deb - on behalf of the blogging world, welcome. also your baby is cute.

  2. Deb--Congratulations! I'm super excited for your mini me. S/he looks super cute so far. And really human like. Nice work.

  3. new post... new post... new post... freak deb, give us an update on your life and your fetus already. and please tell me that you watched the bachelor. please.

  4. I second the new post chant, and hope with all of my heart that you DON'T watch the bachelor!

  5. Oh my goodness. I didn't know. I am super excited for you. Only a few more weeks until you know if it is a little Tyler or a little Debra. I am so excited I have to say it again. Yea!

  6. Dearest Stillmans!
    congratulations on your newest development of your family.

    My guess is its a boy!

    Start shopping!

    Love, Cheryl


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