In gardening news...

While Tyler is generally the one that gets really excited about gardening, I must admit that I was quite thrilled to see that little baby watermelon in our yard.


  1. Oh, it is sooo cute. My mouth just started to water. YUMM. Betcha can't wait till that one is ripe!

  2. Not as cute as the other baby coming!

  3. Not as cute as the other baby coming!

  4. HOLY CRAP!! Tyler Stillman is married and reproducing! Congratulations!! I just found your blog and thought I'd say HI!! Your wife is beautiful! Kids are so fun, and addicting...WATCH OUT!! Good luck with the next few weeks. Sooo soo exciting! Congrats again!

  5. What Nic, you have to say it twice? Oh yeah, Not as cute as the other baby coming! Ha, take that Mrs. Repeater Pants!


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