Six Hours

Little Miss Fidget slept last night from 11pm to almost 5am. Tyler and I laid in bed and exalted over our great victory, and it was like Claire didn't want us to get too cocky because she chose that precise moment to demand some sustenance.

But seriously. Six continuous hours. It's like her gift to us for her eight week birthday, which is today, incidentally.

Last night Tyler was trying to get her to coo and smile at him but she was having none of it, preferring instead to focus intently on something to his left. Tyler said:

"Why don't you stop staring into space and look at Daddy? What does space have that I don't have?"



  1. Tell Tyler that she sees Dead people! She looks so delicious in that picture and hallelujah to her sleeping for that long, that's great!!!!

  2. Poor Tyler. Its tough competing with air...

  3. I love that expression on her face. Yeah for 6 hours!

  4. Yes! Six hours! Most awesome. You are obviously doing something right! Plus, she's adorable, so that doesn't hurt.

  5. Yay! Congratulations! I still remember the first time that Rachel slept through the night. I was so terrified; I thought she had died. So, I poked her to make her stir a little bit. Once we knew she was alive, we celebrated.

  6. 6 hours is way more than Keegan granted me that early on - you're obviously doing something right! The sleep thing is so hard to deal with. I remember thinking to myself that I was NEVER, EVER going to get another decent night's sleep for the rest of my life. But I did - thank goodness :) Keep on keepin on girlie!

  7. 6 hours is way more than Keegan granted me that early on - you're obviously doing something right! The sleep thing is so hard to deal with. I remember thinking to myself that I was NEVER, EVER going to get another decent night's sleep for the rest of my life. But I did - thank goodness :) Keep on keepin on girlie!


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