The end of a long, dark tunnel

I know how you're all dying to know how Claire is sleeping. Well, let me tell you. She has been sleeping 10 1/2 to 11 1/2 hours every night, either uninterrupted or with one feeding. It's been like this for about a week and a half and it feels like the sun has come out. She goes down between 7 and 7:30 and gets up between 6 and 6:30.

Everybody tells you it gets better, but there's nothing like actually experiencing it getting better.

Eeeee, look at that face! She has cheeks like little golf balls. Love 'em.

I've gone back to work this week and my mood has been all over the darn place. Tyler stays with Claire for 2 hours and I work 2 hours from home, so she's only in child care for 4 hours a day. But I've been blubbering all week about how I'm her mother and I should be with my baby and it's all just much, much harder than I thought it would be. I look forward to the time I will be home with my babies full time, but in the meantime I am so grateful for this job that lets me work part of the time from home. (That sentence has the word "time" in it 4...times).

Here is Claire saying some important things. Listen up!


  1. I love that face!!! She is so cute and that one made me chuckle!!

  2. She is just so fascinated with that camera! I am laughing my head off! Check out those bite-able cheeks!

  3. Her cheeks really do look like there is a golf ball under there! That would be so uncomfortable for her, that is just rude Deb! All that to make sure Claire looks like the most precious, adorable, princess that has ever been. Well It worked, I want to gnaw those cheeks right off her pretty face!

  4. Did I mention that I want to eat your baby?

  5. yeah! deb i am so happy for you! the first few months are BRUTAL. but turns out that you lived through and hey, might even do it again.


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