New Addition

Aaaaaand, here we are. This post is courtesy of Tyler Stillman, who simply will not let this blog thing die. He wants to see a post about our new addition.

I have been cuddling said new addition and trying to keep his adoring sisters from smothering him with love for the last month. But I will now tell you all about him.

In the wee hours of January 22, 2012, Tyler and I were awakened no less than four times before 2am with two pee-pee emergencies, thus two shower/baths and changes of clothes/sheets, and two bottle refills. Then, after he and I got one hour of sleep, I was awakened with contractions.

Waiting obediently for them to be five minutes apart, I packed a bag and tried to pick up my house. When they got too painful I woke up Tyler and called my friend Kami to watch the girls (love you Kami).

The most important detail here is the epidural, which kicked in a couple of hours later. The boy, as I like to call him, arrived at 9:38am on Sunday, January 22nd. They put him on my chest and he lay there, open-eyed and mellow, for almost a half hour. After some back and forth, we decided on the name Matthew Charles Stillman, the 7 pound 7 ounce, 19 inch fellow.

Eats like a dream, sleeps like a dream. As I mentioned before, his sisters adore him terribly and scarily. He has the funniest way of furrowing his eyebrows and peering forward like he's saying "what is the meaning of all this?"

He is super cute.

But will anyone read this? I don't know. It has been since September. What if I promise to be more consistent about blogging? No, you say? You want to punish me? Well then, I will write only for myself and the great void.

Here is the boy.

Ever the good mother, I pay no mind to my frightening chin so you can see how cute he was, just laying there.

 Even in sleep, his perplexed expression. Such heavy thoughts!

 He has since lost a bit of that dark hair. 

Oh, the indignity of it all.


  1. I check your blog all the time. I don't want to be a hypocrite though; I took a hiatus for a year.

  2. Thanks for sharing. I read your blog whenever you make a new post (I use google friend connect, so it informs we when you do).

  3. What a handsome little man he is! Congrats!!

  4. I read it! What a cute little guy, seriously. How's life with three? Don't answer that, I already know. Lovely right? But so busy!


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