Family Pictures

We got some family pictures taken back in September. I put a couple of them on Facebook yesterday, and today we're feeling quite popular. People are so supportive and positive. I LOVE people!

Because I have some kind of weird disease where I can't keep things to myself, I feel compelled to share with you the road to the perfect picture.

Matthew wants to make sure we notice his ear.

Claire! Blink! Aaaargh!

Caroline's favorite place to look is not at the camera.

Even Tyler and I, seasoned picture takers, have our little embarrassments. Are you ready?

Tear your eyes away from Tyler's super hot arm and look closely.


Let's get really crazy and check out the picture that I posted on Facebook. The one I'm going to print and display in our home.


Yes, that's right. Both arms. Do you think I'm gross for walking around in stained clothes?

I challenge any reader to last five minutes with my children.
