First World Problem

Warning, warning, bee-boop, bee-boop, I'm about to complain about a first-world problem. Ready yourself.

We have been remodeling our upstairs, creating a bedroom for our two boys out of our toy room and some of the master bedroom. To keep the estimate down I decided to do all the painting myself.

And paint I have. I have painted my girls' soon-to-be rooms. I have painted the boys' soon-to-be room.  I have painted my storage room. Two different hallways. I have painted walls. Doors. Baseboards. Trim. The inside of closets. Ceilings. I have painted in purple, yellow, green, blue, gray, taupe, baseboard white, and ceiling white.

I have taped, taped, taped, then pulled off tape. I have climbed on and off the GD step-ladder fifteen-million times. Home Depot has simultaneously become my second home and the roaring fire that I stoke with hundred dollar bills.

I'm done, you guys. I'm so dooooooooooone.

Save me. Hire me a painter.
Do you know what's not done? The painting.

This is absolute truth, every time I kneel and pray at the end of the day I say (in so many words), "thank you, thank you that we are able to move walls around in our house."

Can you be super-thankful and super-done? If your answer is not an emphatic yes then GET OUT.


  1. I just can't get over that beautiful face in the last picture. Also, I've been meaning to paint my two oldest kid's bedrooms. This has convinced me to procrastinate further. That is all.

  2. I love the comment about home depot and stoking the fire! It's funny only because it's true. Except for me, I usually go to Lowe's. (Mostly because of proximity to my house. It's closer) I certainly can relate. It's funny how things snowball on you.

  3. admit it: you hired a painter and faked this whole thing!


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