Just a L'il Conversation, Nothing Heavy

Oh man, it has been a heavy week on social media. I've read a lot of things I agreed with and a lot I haven't. Sometimes my head just spins with the vehemence, the think pieces, the tribe loyalty.

Here's what I believe. That in general, black people don't seem to trust cops - that they're afraid of interacting with them. I guess the most important thing I believe is that this fear is not something they are making up in their heads. I believe it is based a real history of real experiences.

I know that most cops are good people, but that point is irrelevant. Law enforcement is a position of great power over individuals' lives and if someone wants to abuse it there's really not much to stop them. There are a lot of men that don't beat their wives but we still try to stop domestic violence. Most people aren't murderers but we still take steps to prevent it.

It's an issue that deserves discussion and solutions. Americans can do that! Can I please love America? Because I really do, despite all the things it gets wrong. People are angry and they're sounding off and they are allowed to do that without fear of being assassinated (you suck, Putin), put in work camps with all their loved ones (looking at you North Korea) or being attacked with chemical weapons (Bashar al-Assad, you dick).

I do believe the perfect balance of justice and mercy will be afforded every single person who ever lived. George Floyd is known. His killers are known. His family is known. Their pains, their struggles, their fears, their mistakes, their goodness, their screw-ups. It is all perfectly known, down to its most minute detail.

That is what I believe the very most of all.

I'm so sorry, George.


  1. Hi! I clicked through from FB and really appreciated reading this post!


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